Pneumatic compression therapy

Pneumatic Compression Therapy (PCT)


At SIDI PHYSIO we use Air Relax systems for PCT. The Air Relax is an air compression device with multiple chambers that compress in succession. Our system increases blood flow through your muscles, which has been shown to aid with sports and other recovery, similar to the effects of a professional massage.

Waste products can build up in muscle tissue post exercise, attributing to soreness and fatigue. The body passively eliminates these products naturally through venous return and the lymph system, however this process can take time. Our compression system improves regional blood flow in the target area, effectively mimicking the body’s natural method of removing these waste products, reducing recovery time.


Many athletes use their Air Relax Compression system as an effective warm-up tool before their workout. Our compression system will help to increase regional blood flow in the target area, effectively helping to get your blood pumping to that tissue, getting it ready to work hard. A short 15 minute session on a low pressure setting is a great means of warming up before your training.



To achieve the best results we suggest you use the Air Relax system within a few hours of your training session to aid your recovery. We would recommend your post-workout recovery Air Relax session should be somewhere between 15-45 minutes depending on your level of fatigue or muscle soreness. You can also set the specific mode of function or pressure level you want depending on your level of fatigue and soreness.

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